Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 9 : July 17, 2011
Payette NFCampground, ID to Pollock, ID
93 Miles
I woke up alive and extremely well rested.
And the earliest on record for this trip so far.
Two tracked my way back to the road
and made the summit
2.5 miles later.
Then 17 miles of downhill into Cambridge.
Here, I was greeted by a crazy, young guy cheering and waving along the side of the road...dressed in bike gear, smoking a cig.
Caught off guard - A wave didn't seem sufficient, and I felt
to stop.
Plus, I was just as excited inside to come across another biker!
He was just packing up his camp and asked which way I was headed.
East to the coast.
So was he.
Do you want to ride together.
We had a 41 mile, mostly steady climb to Tamarack.
A 33 mile gradual decent.
It was either find a campsite in the next few miles or I would hit well over 100 miles in the day if we continued on to the next town.
Because of the nice down hill or perhaps the company of another, I felt I could go on...but I wasn't sure how the next day would fare.
He, Greg, was around 20 miles less than me for the he left the decision up to me.
We found a campsite along the Little Salmon River.

Laundry and Bath night!!!!
The night time routine is definately different...and in most respect...more enjoyable
when accompanied by someone else.


  1. Yea! I'm glad you had company. Were you evenly paced? We need a picture of Greg!

  2. Our fitness levels really complimented each was great!
    I did out climb him a few times :)

  3. Our fitness levels really complimented each other ... it was great!
    I did out climb him a few times :)
